第2回 学内関係者向けシンポジウム 2020


Interaction × A.I.
- JST CREST HCI for Machine Learning Symposium -

2020年2月28日 (金) 13:00-18:00

東京大学 本郷地区 弥生キャンパス IREF棟6階 Hilobby [アクセス]

機械学習に代表されるようなデータ駆動型の知的情報処理技術が急速に発展しています。JST CREST HCI for Machine Learning プロジェクトでは、そのようなデータ駆動型知的情報処理システムを対象として、データの生成過程・学習プロセス・さらに学習した結果を利用する場面において、ユーザを支援するためのインタラクション技術の研究開発を行っています。本シンポジウムでは、これまでの成果を紹介するとともに、学内関係者を招いての議論の機会とするものです。興味を持っていただける方々の積極的なご参加をお待ちしております。

13:00-13:15 五十嵐健夫 開会の挨拶
13:15-14:00 招待講演 伊藤貴之 Research trend on visualization for machine learning
14:00-15:00 ショートプレゼンテーション(ポスター概要)
15:00-18:00 ポスター発表


Research trend on visualization for machine learning / Takayuki Ito (伊藤貴之)

Abstract: Machine learning is a recent emerging hot topic in visualization research communities. Many researchers try to "open the black box" by visually representing the behavior of training processes, results of model constructions, contents of training and test datasets of machine learning techniques. This talk firstly introduces recent trends on visualization for machine learning in recent visualization conferences and then presents the speaker's recent study on visualization assisting machine learning tasks.

Bio: Takayuki Itoh is a full professor of the department of information sciences of Ochanomizu University. He has received his B.S., M.S., and Ph.D. degrees from Waseda University in 1990, 1992, and 1997, respectively. He has been a researcher at Tokyo Research Laboratory of IBM Japan from 1992 to 2005. He has been an associate professor in Ochanomizu University since 2005 and a full professor since 2011. His research interest includes visualization, graph drawing, computer graphics, multimedia, and human-computer interaction.

- Bayesian Information Gain for Interactive Level Control of Video Storyboard
- Interactive Design Exploration of Game Stages Using Adjustable Synthetic Testers
- Data-centric interaction for data transformation with Programming-by-Example
- Interactive Music Composition Tools for Deep Generative Models

- Human-in-the-loop differential subspace search in high dimensional latent space
- 3D Model Synthesis from one single image for Anime Characters
- Data-driven Prediction of Aerodynamic Properties of 3D Objects
- Texture generation from sketch image
- Makeup system for transgender individuals
- Virtual Try-on by neural image translation

Machine Learning
- Low rank max margin majority voting
- Interactive Reinforcement Learning
- Integrated Development Environment with Interactive Scatter Plot for Examining Statistical Modeling
- Neural Network Programming with Live Visualization

Medical Imaging
- Tumor segmented database synthesis with human interaction
- Prediction of brain tumor using radiomics
- 3D Intracranical anuerysm dataset
- The surgical support using mixed reality by integrating virtual space and real space in neurosurgery

東京大学 情報理工学系研究科 五十嵐研究室 igarashi.lab@gmail.com