Japan Science and Technology Agency (JST), ERATO
User Interfaces for Design (Design UI) Project

Job Openings - Positions Available - Employment Opportunities

* Full-time positions (Research Scientist, Postdoctoral Fellow, Technical Staff)
* Short-term positions (Visiting Researcher, Visiting Student, Intern)

Research Area:
Human-Computer/Robot Interaction, Computer Graphics

The goal of this project is to invent technologies that help people to design and createdigital media, physical objects, and robot behaviors. See our project description page for more details.The candidate is expected to perform original research to achieve this goal, by designing new user interfaces and innovative systems, building convincing prototypes, and publishing the results at major international venues.

* A Ph.D. degree in Computer Science or related subjects (or equivalent research experience)
* Demonstrated capability for performing original research in the area of human-computer/robot interaction, computer graphics, and other related areas.
We are especially looking for candidates with the following expertise

Term of Contract:
Full-time positions: The position is for one year, renewable annually up to March 2013 based on performance evaluation.
Short-term positions: We provide travel expense for the stay with some extra compensation.The term is flexible, from a few weeks to a few months.

Salary: Competitive salary will be offered based on JST regulations (negotiable).

As an additional benefit, a part of the royalty income to JST by licensing a patent filed by a project member will directly go to the inventor based on JST regulations for intellectual property rights.
It is also possible to start a venture company based on the technologies developed in the project.

How to Apply:
Send the following material in PDF by email to ( recruit@designinterface.jp ).
* resume (previous research/work experience and a publication list).
* brief summary of past research (1 page)
* a research proposal (1 page)
The research proposal is most important. We make a decisionprimarily based on the proposal. Please describewhat you want to work on within the framework of this project.( please also describe your own personal research goal/plan independent of this project, if any).